about me

Near or far, we’re neighbors, we are!
I've been the "welcome lady," hosted neighborly receptions, 
sent happy notes to residents, written about neighborliness (a lot!),
 published a community newspaper and website 
and produced neighborly videos, too! 
I’m Kris, but just call me Neighbor Chick
(Promoting neighborliness since 2001)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kris,
    I read your post about air drying your laundry. You mentioned that in your community they don't allow permanent lines. I invented a clothesline that allows you to hang a full load outdoors including king size comforters and sheets and it is not a permanent fixture you can roll it out and move it when your done. I hope you would profile my idea on your blog page. I have a patent on my idea and I am on the kickstarter fund raising site to raise funding to help me continue manufacturing my Mobile clothesline. Take a look, I hope you like it and I hope you could support it by posting it on your site and possibly backing my idea.

