Thursday, August 1, 2013

Toy box for big kids

It all started with the Rubik's cube I found before the yard sale. I thought how fun it would be to keep it in the living room so people could pick it up and noodle around with it.

Then I thought of other things big kids (and grown ups) might like to play with. 

Here is what's in the box:
  1. Three ball pit balls to juggle or play catch with. I allow ball throwing in the house and I'm proud of it.
  2. The black bag behind the balls contains plastic cups to stack.
  3. I'm hoping a rousing game of Mancala might break out soon.
  4. Who doesn't like an Etch a Sketch?
  5. Ball on a string. Catch it in the cup!
  6. A wooden puzzle.
  7. Silly Putty.
  8. A yellow egg-shaped rattle for shaking a beat.
  9. And, of course, a deck of cards.
Hey look! 

One of the kids wants to play!
Have a lovely day!

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Frugally Sustainable 


  1. OMG I used to love playing Mancala in middle school with my best friend. I didn't even know that game was still around!

    1. The kids like to play it here, too. There is something tactile about the little glass pieces. Fun! Have a lovely day!

  2. That's my kind of basket! We keep a basket with Magnetix, LEGOS, a small Etch-A-Sketch, Star Wars potato heads and dolls. I'll have to bring Mancala and Quixo downstairs. What fun!

    1. Sounds like we have the same idea! Big kids like to play, too!

  3. I've had many a guest color in one of my geometric or stained glass coloring books with the colored pencils and fine tip markers I keep handy. It's fun for them and I have fun seeing their signed "artwork" later. I've decided we never outgrow our enjoyment of coloring. :-)

    And we keep a box of Trivial Pursuit cards handy just to enjoy asking each other questions. It's a nice way to linger over dinner and history questions will often spark a story from my father who lives with us.

    1. Kristine: Oh, yes, definitely need to add some crayons and coloring books to the mix. You are so right. We never outgrow coloring! Have a lovely day!

  4. I love this idea! I will have to make a basket for my house!
